Team Manager Guidebook
Create a binder that you will keep all necessary materials in for the season. Bring the binder to ALL games.
To be included in Binder :
· USA Official Roster
· Roster Stickers
· Scoresheets
· Parent Contact Info Sheet / Emergency Contact List
Pick up scoresheets for the season prior to first game.
Create roster stickers to be used for each game (4 per game). Stickers include player names, #’s, coaches’ names and their cert #.
Collect the visiting team’s roster stickers (4) prior to the start of home games for the scoresheet.
Arrange clock and scoresheet volunteers for all HOME games (usually a parent or older sibling of a player).
Collect signed scoresheet after the game and report wins (and ties if home team) to CHC.
Create and laminate a pocket size team roster to give to the parents (include player names and #’s, parent’s names).
On Mondays, send out email with that week’s schedule including game times, locations, anything specific to that weekend.
Create group text (useful for traffic notifications, late notices of game changes, sick kids, etc.).
Coordinate coaches’ year end gift (collect money and purchase gift).